The Art of Sexual Transmutation

Ever wondered what you can create with your sexual energy besides a child?

This energy has the power to create LIFE and so much more, yet so many people are missing out on this piece entirely.

The art of sexual transmutation is the internal alchemy of transmuting raw sexual energy/creative life force and channeling it into something intentional, like more refined creativity, vitality, productivity.

It's like transmuting lead into gold and using the raw fuel inside of you for other endeavors besides creating life or mindlessly shooting it out of your body and flushing it down the toilet.

This isn't some fluffy new age woo, but rather is an ancient occult practice that has even made its way to the mainstream world, as discussed by Napoleon Hill in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich.

He found that sexual transmutation was a key component of the success of many of the men he interviewed.

In his words, "sexual energy is the creative energy of virtually all geniuses. The individuals of greatest achievement tend to be those who have highly developed sexual natures and who have learned the art of sex transmutation.

The mere possession of sex energy itself is not sufficient to produce genius. The energy must be transmuted from desire for merely physical contact, into some other form of desire and action before it will lift one to the status of a genius."

There's a STRONG connection between your sexual energy & how you carry yourself in the world!

Harnessing your primal drive as an ally and fuel source can support your confidence, success, finances, will power & courage.

I’ve seen my clients quit the job they hate and start a business when working with this practice.

Receive promotions & financial upgrades.

Be more respected as leaders at work and by their lovers at home.

Go from out of shape to extremely fit.

I’ve personally worked with it to fuel my creativity, increase my finances and magnetize opportunities.

For men, the first step is to master seminal retention, ejaculatory choice, and non-ejaculatory orgasm, so you’re retaining this potent life force and channeling it into your deepest desires.