Sexuality is Key to Awakening

If you're on a spiritual path but not addressing sexuality, you're missing half of the puzzle.

Any attempt to dismiss or transcend matter, the body, the physical plane, density, or sexuality is a denial of and disconnection from the Feminine, which is half of your makeup and this entire reality.

This is an old paradigm, patriarchal, Feminine-fearing approach that simply does. not. work.

Sex is literally the SEED of creation, the source from which we all came. A tree's branches cannot reach towards the sky without roots that run deep into the fertile body of the Mother, nourishing and stabilizing its being.

Denying our humanity is NOT why we came here to explore in these bodies.

Conquering & ravaging the earth is NOT what has sustained our species' thousands of years of existence.

Desire is NOT the root of all suffering, it perpetuates our species, and when in pure alignment with the truth of who we are, it's the force that propels our evolution.

It is NOT possible to achieve spiritual liberation while avoiding sexuality!

Sexual energy needs to FLOW and when repressed or ignored it festers in the shadows and comes out in weird, perverted ways.

Monks who hide out in caves and never face the intensity of their sexual energy interacting with the presence of a woman have not truly done the work. Shamans and priests who pledge celibacy but then molest people have definitely not done the work.

If you can only maintain control in the absence of the feminine it doesn't count!

The denial of our sexuality is the denial of our very roots that produce the fruits, our flesh that is the vehicle for our awakening in this life.

To sever ourselves from it is to denounce the temple that houses our spirit & to live in disconnection from the womb, the mother, the source of life.

Being human is our test to embody the oneness from which we came while incarnated in individual form in the dream of duality.

The body and sex are vehicles of enlightenment, not obstacles to it.

Sex and Spirit are not opponents, but lovers of the same source, eternally being born of and becoming one another.

Numerous spiritual/meditation teachers have come to work with me because they've realized after years of exploring a highly masculine approach to spirituality, they've neglected something they cannot escape that is demanding their attention if they are to ever come home to their innate wholeness.

This irreverence for the Mother is destroying our planet and our ability to see the whole picture. Nurturing the feminine and embracing sexuality are key to awakening to All That You Are.