Desires Over Fears

Our own resistance to change and attachment to the status quo is often our biggest obstacle to living the life we know we're capable of.

Oftentimes when something really amazing & life-changing is calling us, resistance creeps in in the most insidious ways and tries to hold us back from making that leap we're so curious yet terrified to make.

The parts of us that want to continue playing small…

The excuses of “too busy,” “not enough money,” “too much work…”

The crippling self-doubts of “what if it doesn’t work for me?” or “what if I’m not good enough?”

The voices in our head that convince us we’re not worth investing in, that it’s easier to maintain the comfort, convenience and familiarity of the status quo…

Whatever it is, I dare you to call it out & look it in the eye for what it really is.

Let your desires be stronger than your fears.

Take the reins of your own life and write the story in a way that LIGHTS YOU UP, that allows you to make the most of this very short and precious life (and potentially even prolong it by harnessing the power of your life-force for greater vitality).

We're not here to loop out on old patterns and stay stuck in our comfort zones. We are here to EVOLVE through surmounting our greatest challenges and wounds and offer our much-needed gifts to the the world.