One of the Biggest Mistakes Men are Making in Bed

One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see men make, & some of the most commonly spewed bad advice when it comes to lasting longer is to think about something else, diminish your own pleasure, or check out of presence in one way or another.

This is AWFUL advice because YOUR pleasure & presence are your lover's BIGGEST turn on!

YOUR pleasure is not mutually exclusive from being able to bring your lover pleasure. They can dance in harmony & make for a much more fulfilling experience.

Men, how many times have you tried to repress your own pleasure in order to last long enough to make sure your lover's satisfied?

What kinds of distraction tactics have you employed to prevent yourself from falling over that edge too quickly?

How frustrated have you been when you did everything you could, but still came sooner than you wanted, & you could feel your lover's disappointment?

There’s a myth that you have to distract yourself from your own pleasure in order to give THEM pleasure. Lucky for all of us, this is bullshit.

This is NOT an either/or situation, but rather a BOTH AND MORE situation. Fully feeling YOUR pleasure feeds THEIR pleasure.

You truly can have your cake & eat it too.

Did you know you can have many orgasms in one lovemaking session WITHOUT ejaculating, WITHOUT losing your erection, & WITHOUT any refractory period?

And did you know non-ejaculatory orgasms open up a whole new octave of FULL-BODY PLEASURE that is REVITALIZING to your entire system?

This is a BIG step further beyond just edging, where you don't get to orgasm.