How to Hack Tension and Conflict

How to hack knee-jerk reactions to tension and conflict and channel them into opportunity and growth:

Most of us are unwilling to stay present with difficult emotions & uncontrollably react impulsively to intense sensation to avoid feeling it fully.

We see this play out in our vices, our conflict-avoidance habits and often the way we interact with our sexual energy.

Learning to harness the power of high sensation as fuel for constructive navigation through challenge is how we alchemize obstacles into opportunities.

Pandemic-imposed limitation got your finances feeling jeopardized? Instead of going into scarcity and panic, how can you use this limitation to inspire creativity and out-of-the-box thinking?

Bought the dip but it just keeps dipping? (For all my crypto nerds out there ) When in doubt, zoom out. Steady hands and patience pay off. A centered mind sees the bigger picture and makes wise trades.

Awkward rub in your relationships? Taste the awkward fully & breathe deeply into that habitual fight/flight/freeze/fawn reaction. Allow this to be an opportunity to cultivate raw, honest communication, genuine understanding and stronger trust.

Your capacity to BE with enormous uncomfortable sensation and let it move THROUGH you rather than escaping it empowers you to face challenging situations with equipoise, courage and efficacy.

Ejaculation often serves as a release valve to avoid feeling difficult emotions, staying present with a challenging situation, or allowing massive inspiration, vitality and drive to move thru constructively.

While it temporarily relieves pressure, it can also bypass doing the deeper work of facing what's arising from within.

Expanding your capacity to BE with uncomfortable sensation can liberate you both in & out of the bedroom. Your ability to BE with your yang, fiery, primal drive sharpens your masculine edge towards mastery of unwavering presence in the face of chaos.

Untamed fire burns down the world; channeled fire fuels it. You are the magician, work your magic wisely.