We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For

To metabolize our suffering, we must face it, feel it.

Turning a blind eye only prolongs the inevitable. Denial, bypassing & repression are favorite games of our society. It’s time for them to die so we can be reborn.

This work isn’t comfortable, yet we don’t grow by being comfortable. Our growth lies at our edges & the courage to expand beyond them.

It’s easy to stay tucked away in our private bubbles, immersed in our personal dramas, unable to be bothered by what we believe doesn’t affect us directly.

It’s only a matter of time before the collective chaos affects us directly, if not already, & our complacency only paves the way for that process to quicken.

Rumi wrote: Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I’m wise, so I’m changing myself.

This quote changed my life forever when my exhausted, hardcore activist 21-yr old self came upon it on the door of a portapotty at Beloved Festival while deep in a medicine journey.

I’d been trying so hard to control & change what everyone else was doing to destroy the world, while also living a neurotically sustainable life, but what needed to shift was my relationship w/myself & the way of the world.

In this holographic universe, the real work lies within, & from that innerwork, an outpouring of love & devotion to purpose is possible like you’ve never imagined.

How many of you want change? How many of you are willing to take responsibility & create it yourselves?

If these words ignite a fire in you, follow that spark & stoke that fire so that it fuels what you’ve come here to do.

Don’t just continue your scroll, appreciating the message but hoping someone else will carry it out.

WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. No one is coming to save us.