Desire: The Root of All Suffering or Your Greatest Ally?

Desire is a compass to your dharma, a reverse-engineered path of becoming, a homecoming to the magic seeded within your soul.

Desire sparks an unfolding into truth, a blossoming into purpose, an evolution through the story of your soul’s journey.

At the root of all desire is a longing for the divine; a feeling of wholeness and fulfillment that we've been swindled into believing is circumstantial and always requires further steps to attain.

It’s a coming home that we've journeyed so far trying to find somewhere "out there," that we've forgotten it's been "in here" all along.

Desire calls us home to wholeness. It's a soul calling rooted in inspiration; beckoning our courageous growth, the offering of our gifts, the curiosity of our humanness to explore the world and to know ourselves through the reflection of another.

Desire expressed within integrity propels us towards our full potential.

The energy generated by desire can be channeled into so many facets of creativity, healing, service, procreation, transformation and spiritual awakening.

These aren’t just selfish, egoic desires, but rather are in service to the whole. What makes us come ALIVE allows us to give generously to the world.

Repressing desire cuts us off from vital life force fuel.

Let its flame illuminate the pulse of purpose that burns within your soul and be the fuel for devotion to what you came here to do.

For more on desire, check out this episode of my podcast, Nectar: Sex & Soul.