Listen to the Pulse of Longing in Your Soul

Sometimes the hidden puzzle pieces are hiding in places not bound by logic.

The mind can orchestrate infinite reasons why looking in those places doesn’t “make sense.”

The superiority complex of rationality can bully mysterious threads of insight and faint yet palpable echoes of intuition into submission, but not into oblivion.

Those whispers will still ripple through our bones, sometimes as a barely perceptible undercurrent, sometimes as relentless waves crashing against the confines of our mind, daring us to shatter the box and open to the realm of infinite possibility that exists beyond our wildest imagination.

Ancient seafaring peoples didn’t plan their ventures with maps or compasses. They flowed with the currents, studied the language of the stars, followed the birds and listened to the pulse of longing in their heart, the passion for adventure in their spirit, that beckoned them to push the edges of what they already knew, to set sail into the vast depths of mystery, which they cultivated intimate kinship with.

They didn’t know where this calling would guide them. It was either death or a new life that awaited them on the other side of the journey, and afterall– are they really so different?

Sometimes where we’re being guided is a stepping stone, not a destination in and of itself, and our minds are too limited to see the grand interweaving of the cosmic web that sometimes has a different destination planned altogether.

Life is a chapter in the sacred story of our soul, and stories are most captivating when unpredictable, dynamic, full of surprises and swells of emotion, struggle followed by breakthroughs, and profoundly impactful perspective shifts that transform our way of seeing and being in the world forever.

Mystery is uncomfortable, but it’s the gift that keeps us on our toes, infuses us with ALIVENESS and curiosity, and wraps us in a cloak of unfathomable magic that allows us to ride the edge of terror and trust in the most awe-inspiring way.

In the fertile darkness of the new moon, what seeds of intention are you courageously planting?

Where are you conjuring the warrior within, the trailblazer who initiates a new path in the trust that the journey of life is an epic story unfolding with each step, full of unexpected gems, plot twists, challenges and expressions of love, all bringing us more deeply home to ourselves and the lessons we came here to learn, the medicine we came here to serve?

For more inspiration, check out my podcast, Nectar: Sex & Soul