The Greatest Form of Power is Story

The amount of spiritual people I see struggling to make money and consciously or unconsciously cutting themselves off from resource is actually hurting humanity, not helping it.

With wall street buying up the majority of the housing market and giant earth-polluting corporations owning such large portions of the world's wealth, isn't it obvious that we need more money moving into the hands of conscious people in order to create the world we want to see?

At age 19, while working an unpaid internship for the Sierra Club and studying grassroots organizing, I learned there were two types of power in the world: money and people. The corporations we were fighting to stop polluting the earth had tens of billions of dollars. We had to rally as many people, and as much money, as we could to fight them.

But it later occurred to me– after six months of pouring my heart and soul into door-to-door canvassing, rallies, testifying in court (and even attempting to have a personal heart-to-heart with the CEO of PGE), calling for donations, tireless strategizing, and watching my coworkers give everything they had to this mission to the point of exhaustion–  that we were keeping the power in the hands of the corporation by asking them to change their ways and fund a new way, rather than creating the change we wanted to see ourselves.

I realized that their outdated system of burning fossil fuels would eventually be rendered obsolete, and that in the meantime, we could be channeling our resources towards building small scale regenerative systems and gradually decreasing our dependence on theirs.

Instead of trying to push against a giant force already in motion, we could ride the waves of change by creating solutions of our own accord, without continuing to place the power of decision in their hands.

Even after years and years of doing mindset work and realizing the power of belief, it wasn't until watching Game of Thrones, ​when Tyrion Lannister says in the final episode, "What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it," that I realized that the power of story supersedes both the power of money and people.

The story that in order to be spiritual you must be poor and free of desire is a timeless tale to keep people playing small.

The story that our sexuality is sinful and dangerous is akin to castrating an animal to make it more subservient.

The story that money is the root of all evil is an outdated story that has kept brilliant, creative visionaries in a state of constant financial struggle and impotent in their ability to change the world in significant ways.

And the story that we are worthy and capable of accruing massive amounts of abundance (energy) through which to birth a new world into being, that we do not need to submit to being at the effect of the 1%, is the story that will give us the power to create the world we wish to see.

There are so many genius creatives, scientists, researchers, healers, teachers, coaches, problem-solvers and visionaries that simply don't have the funding to bring their vision into fruition in an enormously impactful way. I have no doubt that we humans have the imagination, skills and will to turn this ship around; it's simply a matter of where the funding has been, and the stories we've been brainwashed to believe through constant propaganda that has become deeply internalized. We need to drastically shift our perspective about money if we’re to rewrite this story. 

