The Never-Ending Magic of Multiple Orgasms

How do you know when sex/self-pleasure are complete without ejaculation?

This is a common question while learning the art of non-ejaculatory orgasm.

I see completion as more of a shared feeling, a satiation, rather than a landmark announcing the arrival to a destination.

How does an artist know when their painting is complete? How does a band know when it's time to wrap up the jam? When do you decide to thank your dance partner and move on? When do you know it's time to end the day and go to bed?

There's no specific indicator, but rather more of an intuitive navigation, and ideally one shared between lovers, rather than one person checking out once they've gotten theirs.

This can be communicated with or without words, energetically, kinesthetically, or sometimes by just a shared and natural knowing.

Completion can also arise as a result of getting hungry, exhausted, or having other things to tend to.. I suggest bringing sexy snacks once you start unlocking the world of multiple orgasms!

We’re conditioned to approach sex in very linear ways, with intercourse and his ejaculations often seen as "the point" that we're building towards, the pinnacle moment, the ending act. (Oh and hopefully she gets to have an orgasm as well.)

This way of thinking severely narrows what's possible in our sexual experience, because sex is so much bigger than this!

It can create goal-oriented tunnel vision, block us from soaking up the peripheral saucyness and create routine sex that starts to feel mechanical & lackluster.

It can also act as premature punctuation to sex.

What's key is that BOTH people feel complete, fulfilled and connected in whatever organic and poetic way that wants to unfold.

Love-making is a shared co-creation that shape-shifts and evolves naturally & differently each time.

If we allow the magic to flow through us, rather than following a script of expectations and predetermined destinations, it will take us places we've never dreamed of.

Let this moment be your compass and presence be the map & you’ll be gifted w/fulfilling explorations far more magical than what you've been accustomed to.