How to Have Energizing Orgasms

Why is ejaculation often depleting and how can you have energizing orgasms instead?

Excess ejaculation diminishes your yang, fiery, masculine “get shit done” energy that supports drive, clarity, sharpness, courage to take risks and vitality. You’ve probably noticed this if you’ve ever felt exhausted, lazy, brain fogged, or checked out after sex or self-pleasure.

There are several reasons this happens: the hormonal response you have and the loss of vital life force that occurs when your body thinks you’re trying to create life.

When you ejaculate, your organs pour forth their best effort because they think you’re trying to create life, which usually isn’t the case, and your body loses life-force energy when you release your life-creating seed.

Once you’ve come, your body thinks its biological mission to procreate is complete & that it can check out and rest. Your body goes into recharge mode to continue making sperm and recuperate.

This is where wanting to roll over and pass out, the desire to be alone, or the craving for a post-sex sandwich comes in.

Additionally, your brain releases a flood of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, and the hormone prolactin when you ejaculation.

When prolactin is released, your system’s ability to produce dopamine gets suppressed for days or weeks, which can diminish desire.

This flood of brain drugs and prolactin are responsible for the ejaculatory hangover: brain fog; fatigue; lack of drive, clarity, focus, etc.

Prolactin creates the refractory period (time you need to get hard again and return to full homeostasis), diminishes arousal and desire to connect.

Prolactin is healthy in balanced amounts and contributes to our experience of pleasure & erectile strength. A healthy lifestyle and mindful ejaculation will maintain balanced levels of prolactin.

If you don’t ejaculate, you don’t release prolactin, but you CAN still orgasm without releasing prolactin.

It’s not sex that’s depleting, but ejaculation. Cultivating ejaculatory CHOICE and the art of non-ejaculatory orgasm circulates this vital life-force through your WHOLE body, WHILE maximizing pleasure.

Without the release of prolactin and the loss of life-force, you get to keep this vital essence and harness it in your favor, giving a massive boost to your drive, mental acuity & ability to make shit happen.