Is it Fair for Healers to Charge for Their Work?

Shouldn't they offer it all for free, in selfless service to the whole?

Aren't spiritual healers supposed to be humble, poor, and wanting of nothing?

Money is an energy exchange and when you constantly give without receiving, you deplete yourself and your ability to give. When you cut yourself off from money, you cut yourself off from life-force. The idea that those who change people’s lives are the ones who shouldn’t be paid is a ludicrous idea rooted in ignorance and entitlement.

Healers, artists, teachers, coaches, creatives and visionaries spend a lifetime transmuting life’s hardship into medicine for the collective, painstakingly honing their craft to convey the message they are here to share and offer their gifts in the most potent and refined way possible.

If they undervalue their work, they have to spend time and energy working a job that is separate from what they’re here to offer in order to cover their bills. This is a detour from their purpose, and limits the amount of people they’re able to help.

Or, they have to overwork in order to support themselves at such low rates, and will eventually burn out, and again, be less available to serve.

Moving beyond root chakra stress enables us to expand into greater creativity, expansion, and service. Living from an overflowing cup allows us to spill generously into the cups of others without depleting ourselves. We must be resourced if we wish to change the world.

But aren’t desire and possessions in direct conflict with a spiritual path?

It's not desire itself that is the root of all suffering, but our attachments to our desires.​ If we place our happiness and fulfillment on a future pedestal that’s dependent upon achieving our desires, we will suffer by abandoning the present while longing for the future.  Embodied, moment-to-moment gratitude is the medicine here.

Desire is the force that inspires us to create and procreate. It fills us with the holy longing to live life to the fullest and propels us to more deeply activate our potential. A dream and desire to create a more harmonious world is energy to fuel vision and ground it into fruition. A true desire that comes from the heart, rather than the ego, is a fire inside that beckons us into becoming the most capable versions of ourselves so we can serve our purpose and offer ourselves fully upon the altar of life.

Join me for my free live talk “The Tantric Alchemy of Wealth Through Oneness” with Helena Grant at the Quantum Wealth Summit on 2/17 at 11am MST.