Pronoia: The Belief That The Universe Is Always Conspiring In Your Favor

Expectation is a heavy weight to carry, loaded with inevitable resentment and disappointment.

It's an insult to the universe's divine creativity and the infinite realm of possibility.

Our ego's agenda can only perceive a small glimpse of the endless magic held within the Great Mystery.

And thankfully so, because how boring would life be if our every expectation was met exactly the way we wanted and there was no sense of surprise, challenge, or plot twists?!

Get clear on what you want, set your intentions, work your magnetization, manifestation & creative magic ... But know that what you desire may not present itself in the way you thought it would... or when you thought it would... And leave room for the universe to work its magic more beautifully than you possibly could have imagined!

Sometimes we won't be able to see the "why" or the "how" behind the way spirit is weaving until much later, or perhaps we never see it at all..

But can you trust in the greater intelligence that is pulsing through each moment and guiding you home in more intricately beautiful ways than you could've conceived of from your limited perspective?

Can you surrender to not knowing and enjoy the ride, finding the gift in each curveball, the medicine in every poison, the refinement and resilience in each challenge?

How might your life change if you tried on the idea of "pronoia"- the opposite of paranoia, the belief that the universe is always conspiring in your favor? How might you begin to perceive the occurrences in your life differently?

A perspective change can transform your reality. Try it out, I dare you. ✨